Course Description:
This course will delve into the broad theological and cultural arena of the world’s largest religions. Specifically, course content will cover the historical, theological, practical, and cultural aspects of the faiths of Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. A unit studying the theology of religions will also provide a baseline by which we observe and understand other faith traditions. Our perspective will be from a place of curiosity and respect while maintaining a comparative eye from the foundations of Christian theology. World Religions are fascinating ways to learn about our own faith tradition and dialog with the devout of other faiths serves as a great theological and cultural exercise
Course Schedule
Class Date | Subject | Reading/Due |
8.23 | Introduction and Orientation What is Religion? | |
8.30 | Visions and Pursuits of the Good Life | Smith, Desiring the Kingdom (PDF) Novak, Experience Maching (PDF) Structure of Human Flourishing (PDF) |
9.6 | Judaism | Khan Academy Intro Between God and Man, Part I |
9.13 | Judaism 9/17: Saturday Shabbat Chabod House | Between God and Man, Part 4 |
9.20 | Christianity: Catholic | Mary Christ and Church Liturgy and Eucharist |
9.27 | Field Trip: Basilica of St. Lawrence Holy Trinity Church | Nearness and Otherness of God Icons Khan Academy Intro |
10.4 | Islam | Khan Academy Intro Being Muslim, Ch. 1-3 |
10.11 | Islam 10.14: Prayer 1:30-2 Islam Center of Asheville | Being Muslim, Ch. 5-8 |
10.18 | Buddhism | Khan Academy Intro How to See Yourself…, Part 1-3 |
10.25 | OFF: Fall Break | |
11.1 | Buddhism 11.4: Friday Dinner | How to See Yourself…, Part 4-6 |
11.8 | Hinduism | Khan Academy Intro Science of Self-Realization, Ch. 1-3 |
11.15 | Field Trip: Hinduism Start at 5: Sri Somesvara Temple | Science of Self-Realization, Ch. 4, 5, 7 |
11.22 | OFF: Thanksgiving | |
11.29 | Review and Intro to Final Project | |
12.6 | Final Presentations | |