Contemporary Issues in Christian Ministry

Course Description: This course exists to prepare and equip future ministry leaders to the ever-changing landscape of Christian ministry. Topics covered may include: Social Justice and diversity issues, the sex-abuse crisis, ministry burnout, celebrity culture, counseling, etc.

Course Schedule

Class DateClass TimeAssignment Due
8.23Introduction and Syllabus 
8.30Pastoral Culture: Establing Norms
In Class: God Speed
Jayber Crow, Part 1
Interview with Eugene Peterson
9.6Pastoral Culture: Rest and Worry
Jayber Crow, Part 2
Podcast: Who Killed Mars Hill
9.13Pastoral Culture: Place and Care
Jayber Crow, Part 3
Podcast: Boomers and Big Churches
9.20Issue: Power and Abuse
Landberg, Redeeming Power, Part 1-2
Due: Church Cares Training
9.27Issue: Identity and AuthenticityTaylor, Ethics of Authenticity
Trueman, Rise of Modern Self
10.4Issue: Homosexuality, Transgenderism, Etc.
10.11Issue: JusticeSt. Basil the Great, On Social Justice
10.18OFF: Fall Break
Research for Church Issue Presentations
10.25Church Issue Presentations
11.1Christian Imagination Jennings, Intro, Ch 1-2
11.8Christian ImaginationJennings, Ch. 3-4
11.15Christian ImaginationJennings, 5-6, Conclusion
11.22Intro to Church PolityInterview Assignment
11.29OFF: Thanksgiving Break Research 
12.6Polity Presentations